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Roster de Khorne

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Roster de Khorne Empty Roster de Khorne

Mensaje  sinuhe Mar Sep 25, 2012 3:35 pm

Bueno aqui esta el roster de Khorne para la version de cyanide caos edicion:

The Daemons of Khorne have infinite bloodlust and rage that makes them feared throughout the Blood Bowl leagues. Some of them, not satisfied with merely destroying all of civilization, started to get interested in violent games. When Bloodletters, Pit Fighters, Bloodthirsters and Heralds discovered Blood Bowl, the Daemons of Khorne made their entrance in the stadiums for the first time!

Today, they are known as the most violent, and the most feared, Blood Bowl players of all time.

- Pit Fighter, Quantity 0-16, 60k, MA 6, ST 3, AG 3, AV 8, Skills: Frenzy, Normal GP, Double AS
- Bloodletter Daemon, Quantity 0-4, 80k, MA 6, ST 3, AG 3, AV 7, Skills: Horns, Juggernaut, Regeneration, Normal GAS, Double P
- Khorne Herald, Quantity 0-2, 90k, MA 6, ST 3, AG 3, AV 8, Skills: Frenzy, Horns, Juggernaut, Normal GS, Double AP
- Bloodthirster, Quantity 0-1, 180k, MA 6, ST 5, AG 1, AV 9, Skills: Loner, Wild Animal, Claw, Frenzy, Horns, Juggernaut, Regeneration, Normal S, Double GAP
- Reroll : 70k
- Apoth: yes

Morg and Grashnak

Como 1er pensamiento con armadura 8, fuerza 3 y furia va a dar mucho miedo placar.


Mensajes : 56
Fecha de inscripción : 19/09/2012
Edad : 50

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